Yoyakarta has at least 109 tourist attractions, namely 21 ancient temples, 14 beaches, 12 cultural tourism sites, 14 spots of religious interest, 36 museums, 8 natural tourism destinations and four flora and fauna tourist objects. This region is located at the foot of the active Merapi volcano, Yogyakarta was in the 16th and 17th centuries the seat of the mighty Javanese empire of Mataram from which present day Yogyakarta has the best inherited of traditions. The city itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate the visitor.
It is widely known from to historical records that the civilization, art and culture had developed well in the center of those kingdoms respectively in the Ancient Mataram Kingdom (8th - 10th Century) era, the second Mataram Kingdom (17th - 18th Century) and Sultanate Ngayogyokarto from the mid of 18th Century up today.

Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat or Sultan Palace is a palace official who is now the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat located in the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Although the empire has officially become part of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950, the palace complex of buildings is still functioning as a place to live the sultan and his court of households that are still running the imperial tradition until today. Kraton is now also one tourist attraction in the city of Yogyakarta. Part of the palace complex is a museum that holds many collections owned by the empire, including a variety of gifts from the kings of Europe, the replica heritage palace, and gamelan. In terms of its building, this palace is one example of Javanese palace architecture of the best, has a luxurious hall, conference hall and a wide field and pavilion.
Start the Yogyakarta Palace was founded by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I post a few months in the year 1755 Giyanti Agreement. The location of this palace is said to have named a former pesanggarahan Garjitawati. This guesthouse is used to break funeral procession of the kings of Mataram (Kartasura and Surakarta) which will be buried in Imogiri. Another version mentions the location of the palace is a fountain, Umbul Pacethokan, which is in the middle Beringan forest. Before occupying the Palace of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono I stayed in Ambergris Pesanggrahan Ketawang which now includes the District of Sleman District Gamping.
Physically, the palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta has seven core complex Siti Hinggil LER (North Hall), Kamandhungan LER (Kamandhungan North), Sri Manganti, Kedhaton, Kamagangan, Kamandhungan Kidul (South Kamandhungan), and Siti Hinggil Kidul (South Hall). Besides Yogyakarta Palace has a variety of cultural heritage that shaped both the ceremony and antiquities and historic. On the other hand, Yogyakarta Palace is also a traditional institution complete with indigenous stakeholders. Therefore not surprising that the values of philosophy as well as mythology enveloping the Yogyakarta Palace.

The street is the centre of Yogyakarta's largest tourist district; many hotels and restaurants are located nearby. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening several open-air streetside restaurants, called lesehan, operate along the street.
Less obvious to the tourist, but more for the local population, side streets, lanes and structures that lead on to Malioboro are as important as the street itself.
The street was for many years two-way, but by the 1980s had become one way only, from the railway line (where it starts) to the south - to Beringharjo markets, where it ends. The largest, oldest Dutch era hotel, Hotel Garuda, is located on the street's northern end, on the eastern side adjacent to the railway line. It has the former Dutch era Prime Minister's complex, the kepatihan, on the eastern side.
For many years in the 1980s and later, a cigarette advertisement was placed on the first building south of the railway line - or effectively the last building on Malioboro, which advertised Marlboro cigarettes, no doubt appealing to locals and foreigners who would see a pun with name of the street with a foreign product being advertised.
It does not reach the walls or grounds of the Yogyakarta palace, as Malioboro ceases in name adjacent to the very large market Beringharjo (on the eastern side as well). From this point the street changes name to Jalan Ahmad Yani (Ahmad Yani Street) and has the former Governors residence on the western side, and the old Dutch Fort Vredeburg on the eastern side.

PARANGTRTIS is a tourist spot such as the Indian Ocean coastal beaches are located approximately 25 kilometers south of the city Yogyakarta.Parangtritis is very well known tourist attraction in yogyakarta beach than other objects such as Samas, Baron, Kukup Krakal and Glagah Beach. Parangtritis has unique scenery that does not exist in any other tourist attraction that is in addition to large waves, also the mountain - a mountain of sand that frequency at the surrounding beaches, mountains of sand is usually called Gumuk. The object of this tour is managed by the local government of Bantul pretty well, ranging from lodging facilities and markets selling souvenirs typical of the South '. In addition there is bathhouse called machetes allegedly wedang water in the baths can cure various diseases including skin diseases, water from these baths contain sulfur that comes from mountian in those locations. Another location is the beach Kusumo machetes on the beach where there is a place supposedly for a meeting between the king with a queen jogjakarta southern ocean. On certain days (usually months suro) here is offering offerings (Labuhan) for the Queen of the South Sea or in the Java language called Nyai Rara Kidul. Locals believe that a person prohibited from using a light green colored clothes when they're on this coast. Parangtritis become the main tourist place of a visit, especially on new years eve Java (a sacred / Suro). In Parangtritis there is also a horse-drawn carriage or a horse that can be rented for up the coast from east to west.
Beringharjo Market is a traditional market, located on Jl. Jend A. Yani Regions Malioboro, Yogyakarta. This market is famous for its collection of batik merchandise, either in the form of batik cloth or other products such as batik garment, robe, shorts, pajamas, etc.. This market location adjacent to the museum and the history of Fort Vredeburg opposite Gedung Agung. This market is known as one tourist destination and also as a trading hub of Yogyakarta batik products.
KASONGAN Art and Craft Village

Kasongan is a tourist destination in the area of the Bantul district, Yogyakarta Special Region is famous for its handicrafts gerabahnya. This place is exactly located in the hamlet Kajen, Bangunjiwo village, district, unfortunately, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region, (~ S 7.846567 ° - E 110.344468 °) about 6 km from the North Square of Yogyakarta to the south.the Crafts from pottery produced by Kasongan generally in the form of jars with various motifs (peacocks, dragons, roses and many others), pots of various sizes (from small to shoulder the size of adults), souvenirs, picture frames, wall hangings, furniture like tables and chairs, etc.. But then developing varied products include artificial flowers from banana leaves, bamboo furniture, mask-topengan and many others. The results are good-quality handicrafts and has been exported to foreign countries like Europe and America. Usually, this village is frequently visited by tourists visiting Yogyakarta.
MERAPI Volcano

Most active volcano, specific volcanic bio system, body type structure, and geo-living volcanic social-culture particularly on the southern slope.
1.Most active volcano: Merapi is most active volcano for its eruption periodicity is relatively short, range three to seven year. During active period, Mt Merapi shows fall out lava dome every day. The more active the volcano, the more lava dome fall out. Falling out lava dome can create Pyroclactic flow consists of ash, dust, gas and slabs of volcanic rock with diameter about 3/5 m.These volcanic material flows down together through mountain slope with speed 50-100 km / hour with temperature 300-500 C . In Merapi there two kind of Pyroclactic flow:
>Eruption Pyloclactic Flow created by eruption
>Fall Out Pyloctactic Flow created by avalanche of lava dome on peak or on steep slope as the lava dome on peak is unstable.
2.Specific Volcanic Bio system: Merapi has been active since hundreds years ago. The activity of the volcano creates biosystem that can be divided into three composed vegetation zone:1)Top Zone: Sub-Alfin.2)Midle Zone:Tropical Mountain Forest.Low Zone: Agroforestry.
3.Body Type Structure: The body of Merapi is conical in shape that indicates the volcano is youngest volcano, and has steeper slope around peak zone.Vertically the body of Merapi can be divided into 3 zone:
1)Conical Peak Zone: This zone is the steepest one, range around 2600 to the peak. The peak consist of volcanic material, included:a)Young volcanic rock with sulfur gas smoke blowing through narrow crack of the rock.b)Lava sedimentation on middle of the peak.This lava created by eruption in 1940.c) Main crater directing to the west.This crater created by eruption in 1961.
2)Mid Slope: This zone is steeper than foot slope, range around 2000 to 2600 m alt. No cultivated vegetation along this zone. And only adapted vegetation can grow naturally.
3)Foot Slope: This zone dominated by cultivated vegetation, such us: grass, vegetable and lowland forest. The zone range from 1600 to 2000 m alt.
4.Volcanic Social-Culture: People living around volcano strongly believe to supra natural power. They believe the activities of Merapi such eruption is controlled by the figures of invisible power, among them: the most popular one, Nyi Roro Kidul, the goddess of South Sea and Nyai Saput Jagat, the keepers of Merapi volcano.